5th Reason For Marrige Failing in U.S.A

#5 – Unrealistic Expectations

Movies, fairy tales, and even social media often paint an unrealistic picture of what marriage should look like.

When people go into marriage expecting perfection or a smooth, easy relationship, they’re often disappointed when real-life challenges hit.

Common Unrealistic Expectations in Marriage:

  • Expecting your spouse to always make you happy.
  • Believing that love alone can solve all problems.
  • Thinking that your partner should automatically understand your needs.
  • Expecting conflict-free marriage.

Did You Know?

A study from the University of California found that 40% of divorces stem from unmet expectations, especially around the roles each partner plays in the marriage.


Do you think unrealistic expectations are more common in the early stages of marriage?

Real Story:

Hannah expected her marriage to be full of romance and excitement, just like in the movies.

But when the reality of work, household chores, and everyday stresses hit, she found herself feeling disappointed.

Her unrealistic expectations placed unnecessary pressure on both her and her husband, leading to dissatisfaction.

मेरा नाम वीरेंदर सिंह है और में एक MBBS डॉक्टर हु। मैने मेरी पढाई AIIMS इंस्टिट्यूट से के है जो के दिल्ली में है। मैने 5 साल दिल्ली के कुछ बड़े बड़े हॉस्पिटल में काम किया

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